Golden tools can help you build the island of your dreams. To unlock them, you will need to meet specific requirements in Animal Crossing New Horizons. After completing various different tasks, you will unlock the DIY recipe for each Golden Tool. Our Animal Crossing New Horizons Golden Tools guide explains what you need to do in order to unlock each specific tool recipe.
How to Get Golden Tools in Animal Crossing: New Horizons There are six different golden tools you can unlock, including the Axe, Fishing Rod, Net, Slingshot, Shovel, and Watering Can. Each tool requires players to meet hidden requirements throughout the game, and we’ll explain what you need to do for each of them.
To learn what materials you need for each recipe, check out our Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gold Nugget Recipes guide.
- How to Get Golden Tools in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
How to Get Golden Tools in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
There are six different golden tools you can unlock, including the Axe, Fishing Rod, Net, Slingshot, Shovel, and Watering Can. Each tool requires players to meet hidden requirements throughout the game, and we’ll explain what you need to do for each of them.
How to Get The Golden Axe
To unlock the Golden Axe, you must break 100 total different axes. To do this efficiently you should use the Flimsy Axe and break it over and over again on Trees near your Resident Services location. Materials needed to craft the Golden Axe:
- 1 Axe
- 1 Golden Nugget
How to Get The Golden Fishing Rod
To unlock the Golden Fishing Rod you will need to catch every different type of fish in the Critterpedia. Once you do this, the DIY recipe for the Golden Fishing Rod will unlock. Materials needed to craft the Golden Fishing Rod:
This is 'auto attacking' is represented in the Damage Per Second counter. Except for the first farmer, Master Pai Mei, he gives Attack Damage to you as player, all other farmers will add tot the Damage Per Second.Starting from level 200 all farmers, except Master Pai Mei, will get an 4x damage boost for every 25 level increase.
- 1 Fishing Rod
- 1 Golden Nugget
How to Get The Golden Net
To unlock the Golden Net you will need to catch every different type of insect in the Critterpedia. Once that is complete you will unlock the DIY recipe for the Golden Net. The materials you need for Golden Net crafting are:
- 1 Net
- 1 Golden Nugget
How to Get The Golden Shovel
You will need to help Gulliver a total of 30 times to unlock the Golden Shovel. You can find him on the beach and will need to go rescue him. After you complete this you’ll unlock the DIY recipe for the Golden Shovel. The materials you need to craft it are:
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- 1 Shovel
- 1 Golden Nugget
How to Get The Golden Watering Can
The Golden Watering Can unlocks after you have your Resident Services upgraded to the maximum level. After it is fully upgraded, speak with Isabelle to evaluate the island. This will unlock the Golden Watering Can if your island gets five stars. The materials needed to craft this are:
- 1 Can
- 1 Golden Nugget
How to Get The Golden Slingshot
To unlock the Golden Slingshot, you will need to shoot down 15 presents in the sky with your regular Slingshot. After that, the 16th Slingshot will be Golden and you will unlock the DIY Golden Slingshot recipe. The required materials to craft it are as follows:
- 1 Golden Nugget
- 1 Slingshot
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Tools that break regularly are fairly annoying, but it's good to know that eventually, we'll get access to Animal Crossing: New Horizons golden tools. But we do mean eventually. To unlock each of the golden tools, you need to do a certain thing in game. You can't just buy the recipe, or wait for Tom Nook to give you one.
Interesting, it seems like golden tools are still capable of breaking, but are the highest grade available so will break least frequently. That means you're going to want all of them.
Below is everything we currently know about Animal Crossing: New Horizons golden tools, but because the game has only been out a week or so, we're all still trying to figure out how to unlock them all. Bear with us for now, and let us know if you've figured anything out below. What we do know is that once you've achieved each goal, you'll receive the golden tool recipe in the mail.
Golden Axe
To get the golden axe, it seems that you need to break 100 axes. You will be able to easily get to 100 if you keep using flimsy axes for your tree chopping needs.

Thanks to Arekkz on YouTube for figuring this one out.
Golden Fishing Rod
In New Leaf, you could unlock the golden fishing rod by catching every fish available in the game. It's not clear yet whether this is the result for catching every single Animal Crossing: New Horizons fish, but we'd imagine so. It's going to take a while to get the answer though, as fish appear seasonally and appear at specific months and times of day.
Golden Net
Like with the golden fishing rod, previous games gifted you a golden net for catching every bug available in-game. Whether the same is true for catching every single one of the Animal Crossing: New Horizon bugs remains unconfirmed, but we'll have to get back to you on that one.
Golden Shovel
There are various rumours surrounding the way to obtain the golden shovel in Animal Crossing: New Horizons so far. Some say you have to save Gulliver 30 times to unlock it - there's an Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nook Miles Rewards tied to a similar amount too. This seems to be the consensus, but we haven't been able to find anyone who's actually got the golden shovel yet, or managed to help Gulliver that many times yet.
Check back later for more info.
Golden Slingshot
Animal Crossing Golden Items
The availability of the golden slingshot is also currently a mystery, but the general thinking is that it's tied to the amount of balloon presents you've popped on the island. There's a top tier Nook Miles Reward tied to popping 300 balloons, so we're assuming that the golden slingshot is the gift for getting to that point.
Animal Crossing Golden Tools Durability
We're still a ways from that yet, but we're working on it.
Golden Watering Can
Animal Crossing Golden Tool Codes 20%
Another current in-game myth, although some suggest you can get the golden watering can by achieving a five-star island rating. We're currently rocking a four-star rating, so will circle back when we know more.
Although, for now here are our top tips for how to improve your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island rating.
Animal Crossing Golden Tool Codes Redeem
How to get gold nuggets
© Provided by GamesRadar (Image credit: Nintendo)Animal Crossing Golden Tool Codes Code
For all of these golden tools though, you'll need to grab yourself a golden nugget. You can get these the same way as you find Animal Crossing: New Horizons iron nuggets, by smacking rocks with your axe or shovel. They're quite rare, but you can usually find one a day, or every other day, depending on how many Nook Miles Tickets you're utilising each day.