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MEMORY: AN UNDERTALE FAN GAME by LUKELCS(#BeRespectful) (#ContentCreator) 198 followers ⭐️ STARLAND ⭐️ by 🐈⬛ Roxy Bosky 🐈⬛. This is a roblox undertale au with roblox characters as undertale characters, it is very original and isn't generic in terms of roles. This uses admins, devs, and hackers in it. Roblox avatar free. Roles: Sans - Roblox (David) Papyrus - Classic Noob (Classic) Asriel - Mr. Doombringer Chara - John Doe Frisk - 1x1x1x1 Mettaton - Telamon/Shedletsky Toriel - Terrisaurus.
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How to win area 51 tower defence simulator in roblox. Area 51 was the event map for the Area 51 Event. It's suppose to resemble a common name given to a highly classified facility located in Nevada. The players who will beat this map on Normal or harder until the event is over will get the Commando Tower. But they first need to beat a very slow boss who can permanently KILL humanoid towers by shooting a beam of energy at them and has the ability.
- require(4824650327).Best('TheCoolerGamer7659') key:4CPRK-NM3K3-X6XXQ-RXX86-WXCHW --Anonymous UTG
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Free Roblox Undertale Games
- -- Made by jillmiles1
- wait()
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- local Create = RbxU.Create
- local SID =306154368
- script.Parent = Player:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui')
- work = game:service'Workspace',
- debris = game:service'Debris',
- }
- local EarthPart =nil
- local CanPart =nil
- local HeadPart =nil
- if EarthPart ~=niland workspace:FindFirstChild(EarthPart.Name,true)then
- EarthPart =nil
- local Earth = Create'Part'{CFrame=Cam.Focus,Parent=workspace,Name='NilProbeEarth',Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local EarthMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Earth,MeshId='',,3,3),TextureId=''}
- local Bag = Create'Part'{Parent=Earth,Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local BagMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Bag,MeshId='',,5,5),TextureId=''}
- local Can = Create'Part'{Parent=Earth,Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local CanMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Can,MeshId='',,0.2,0.2),TextureId=''}
- local Gun = Create'Part'{Parent=Earth,Anchored=true,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local GunMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Gun,MeshId='',,.75,.75),TextureId=''}
- local Headphones = Create'Part'{Parent=Earth,Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local HeadphonesMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Headphones,MeshId='',,1,1),TextureId=''}
- local Knife = Create'Part'{Parent=Earth,Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom',,.2,.2)}
- local KnifeMesh = Create'SpecialMesh'{Parent=Knife,MeshId='',,.7,.7),TextureId=''}
- local Sound = Create'Sound'{Parent=Earth,Volume=.4,SoundId='rbxassetid://'.tonumber(SID),Looped=true}
- if(not(workspace:FindFirstChild(Earth.Name,true)))then
- end
- Sound:Play()
- CanPart = Can
- HeadPart = Headphones
- EarthPart = Earth
- CheckChat =function(msg)
- for i,v inpairs(Commands)do
- if msg:lower():sub(1,#(v.Cmd.'/')) v.Cmd.'/'then
- CmdRun =true
- end
- ifnot CmdRun then
- end
- table.insert(Commands,{Cmd = cmd,Func = func})
- Probe()
- SID = msg
- NewChat('Music is now '.game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(tonumber(SID)).Name)
- if EarthPart ~=niland EarthPart.Parent ~=nilthen
- BG.Parent=EarthPart
- PN.Parent=BG
- PN.ZIndex=2
- PN.FontSize='Size18'
- PN.Text=Player.Name.' :UNDERTALE-PROBE'
- if#msg ~=50then
- PCB.Parent=EarthPart:FindFirstChild('BillboardGui',true)
- PCB.ZIndex=3
- PCB.FontSize='Size24'
- msg ='[UNDERTALE-PROBE]: '.msg:gsub(',')
- for i =.1,1,.1do
- end)
- PCB.Text =string.sub(msg,1,v)
- end
- while wait(.15)do
- end
- PCB:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'In','Linear',2.7)
- for i =.1,1,.1do
- PCB:remove()
- end)end
- game:service'StarterGui':GetCoreGuiEnabled('All',true)
- if msg:lower():sub(1,3)'/e 'then
- end
- end)
- local Num =1local Num2 =.03localfunction clerp(p1,p2,percent)local p1x,p1y,p1z,p1R00,p1R01,p1R02,p1R10,p1R11,p1R12,p1R20,p1R21,p1R22=p1:components();local p2x,p2y,p2z,p2R00,p2R01,p2R02,p2R10,p2R11,p2R12,p2R20,p2R21,p2R22=p2:components();return*(p2x-p1x),p1y+percent*(p2y-p1y),p1z+percent*(p2z-p1z),p1R00+percent*(p2R00-p1R00),p1R01+percent*(p2R01-p1R01),p1R02+percent*(p2R02-p1R02),p1R10+percent*(p2R10-p1R10),p1R11+percent*(p2R11-p1R11),p1R12+percent*(p2R12-p1R12),p1R20+percent*(p2R20-p1R20),p1R21+percent*(p2R21-p1R21),p1R22+percent*(p2R22-p1R22))end
- local r,e = ypcall(function()
- if EarthPart ~=nilthen
- EarthPart.CFrame = clerp(EarthPart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*.13,0)*,math.sin(Num),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num/2,Num/2,Num/2),.1)
- BagPart.CFrame = clerp(BagPart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*2.1,0)*,math.sin(Num*.13),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num,Num,Num),.17)
- CanPart.CFrame = clerp(CanPart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*1.2,0)*,math.sin(Num*.1),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num,Num,Num),.17)
- GunPart.CFrame = clerp(GunPart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*.7,0)*,math.sin(Num*.17),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num,Num,Num),.17)
- HeadPart.CFrame = clerp(HeadPart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*2.3,0)*,math.sin(Num*2.1),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num,Num,Num),.17)
- KnifePart.CFrame = clerp(KnifePart.CFrame,*CFrame.Angles(0,Num*1.8,0)*,math.sin(Num*3.1),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Num,Num,Num),.17)
- end)
- if Mouse.Target ~=niland Mouse.Hit ~=nilthen
- local Dist =((EarthPart.Position-Mouse.Hit.p).magnitude)
- local Bullet = Create'Part'{'New Yeller'),Parent=GunPart,Name='Bullet',Anchored=true,CanCollide=true,Locked=true,FormFactor='Custom'}
- Bullet.CFrame =,Mouse.Hit.p)
- * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)
- local obj = Mouse.Target
- if obj.Name 'Head'then
- local HeadSound ='Sound',obj) HeadSound.Pitch =1 HeadSound.Volume =1 HeadSound.Looped =false HeadSound.SoundId ='rbxassetid://406913243'
- if obj.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid',true)then
- for _,charobj inipairs(obj.Parent:GetChildren())do
- charobj.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black()
- pcall(function() charobj:MakeJoints()end)
- charobj.HeadColor = BrickColor.Black()
- charobj.LeftLegColor = BrickColor.Black()
- charobj.RightLegColor = BrickColor.Black()
- end
- obj.Parent.Humanoid.Health =0
- if obj.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid',true)then
- local HeadSound ='Sound',obj) HeadSound.Pitch =1 HeadSound.Volume =1 HeadSound.Looped =false HeadSound.SoundId ='rbxassetid://131979189'
- end)
- else
- obj.Parent.Humanoid.Health = obj.Parent.Humanoid.Health 0
- if obj.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid',true)then
- local HeadSound ='Sound',obj) HeadSound.Pitch =1 HeadSound.Volume =1 HeadSound.Looped =false HeadSound.SoundId ='rbxassetid://131979189'
- end)
- end
- obj:remove()
- end)
- local GunSound ='Sound',workspace) GunSound.Pitch =1 GunSound.Volume =.6 GunSound.Looped =false GunSound.SoundId ='rbxassetid://132456235'
- for i =0,1,.1do
- Bullet.Size = Bullet.Size +,.05,.05)
- Bullet:remove()
- GunSound:Destroy()
- end)
- end) Player.Character =nil;wait();Player:remove();NewChat('UNDERTALEProbe; Created by c00lkiddv2016') wait(1) NewChat('Enjoy!')