Roblox Free Admin Game Commands

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There are different items for the 2 different classes, warriors and mages, each having their own technological advantages. There are different rarities, the higher is better. Gray or clear, is common, green is uncommon, blue is rare, purple, epic, and a yellow/orange will mean that its a legendary. Weapons have a range of spell damage and physical damage. Armor has three stats that you can. Legendary weapons, indicated by an orange rarity, are weapons with more potential spell or physical power than the other weapons of that dungeon. Each dungeon has one, sometimes two, legendary(ies) only obtainable in that dungeon. These are the current Legendaries in Dungeon Quest. EZ gamer Hello everyone Good morning Get afternoon Get evening wherever you guys are from. It's easy game Welcome to know the roadblocks Dungeon Quest video This time around We're going to be talking about the duplication glitch and Dungeon Quiz also known as the Duke but before anything else I wanna give a huge shout out to everybody that joined me in the race that I will be putting in the. How to hack roblox dungeon quest of items.

Jun 25th, 2019
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Today I spend way too much robux on ranks in people's Roblox groups/games and I use those admin powers to ruin them. Roblox sword fighting simulator how to get boss swords.

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Roblox Free Admin Game Commands Cheat

Roblox Free Admin Game Commands
  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 5 | Owner | All | Is automtically set. The Owner has full access to commands and features.
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 3 | Admin | 1,2,3 |
  5. 2 | Mod | 1,2 | Can only use commands on one person at a time.
  6. 1 | VIP | 1 | Can only use commands on theirself.
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. 0 | NonAdmin | 0 | The default rank. Players are limited to basic features.
  9. --------------| SETUP RANKS |-------------- ]] return{
  11. {5, 'Owner', };
  12. {3, 'Admin', {',0}, };
  13. {1, 'VIP', {',0}, };
  14. };
  16. [0] = 'VIP';
  17. -- ASSETS
  18. [0] = 'VIP';
  19. -- GROUPS
  20. [0] = {
  21. [1] = 'VIP';
  22. };
  23. Friends = 'Admin';
  24. VipServerOwner = 'Admin';
  25. FreeAdmin = 'Mod';
  26. Banned = {',0};
  27. Prefix = ';'; -- The character you use before every command (e.g. ';jump me').
  28. SplitKey = ' '; -- The character inbetween command arguments (e.g. setting it to '/' would change ';jump me' to ';jump/me').
  29. BatchKey = '; -- The character inbetween batch commands (e.g. setting it to '|' would change ';jump me ;fire me ;smoke me' to ';jump me | ;fire me | ;smoke me'
  30. QualifierBatchKey = ','; -- The character used to split up qualifiers (e.g. ;jump player1,player2,player3)
  31. Theme = 'Blue'; -- The default UI theme.
  32. NoticeSoundId = 2865227271; -- The SoundId for notices.
  33. NoticePitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for notices.
  34. ErrorSoundId = 2865228021; -- The SoundId for error notifications.
  35. ErrorVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for error notifications.
  36. ErrorPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for error notifications.
  37. AlertSoundId = 3140355872; -- The SoundId for alerts.
  38. AlertPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for alerts.
  39. WelcomeBadgeId = 0; -- Award new players a badge, such as 'Welcome to the game!'. Set to 0 for no badge.
  40. CommandDebounce = true; -- Wait until the command effect is over to use again. Helps to limit abuse & lag. Set to 'false' to disable.
  41. SaveRank = true; -- Saves a player's rank in the server they received it. (e.g. ;rank plrName rank). Use ';permRank plrName rank' to permanently save a rank. Set to 'false' to disable.
  42. LoopCommands = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use LoopCommands.
  43. MusicList = {505757009,}; -- Songs which automatically appear in a user's radio. Type '!radio' to display the radio.
  44. ThemeColors = { -- The colours players can set their HD Admin UI (in the 'Settings' menu). | Format: {ThemeName, ThemeColor3Value};
  45. {'Orange', Color3.fromRGB(150, 75, 0), };
  46. {'Yellow', Color3.fromRGB(130, 120, 0), };
  47. {'Blue', Color3.fromRGB(0, 100, 150), };
  48. {'Pink', Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 100), };
  49. };
  50. Colors = { -- The colours for ChatColors and command arguments. | Format: {'ShortName', 'FullName', Color3Value};
  51. {'o', 'Orange', Color3.fromRGB(250, 100, 0) };
  52. {'g', 'Green' , Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) };
  53. {'dg', 'DarkGreen' , Color3.fromRGB(0, 125, 0) };
  54. {'db', 'DarkBlue', Color3.fromRGB(0, 50, 255) };
  55. {'pk', 'Pink', Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 185) };
  56. {'w', 'White', Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) };
  57. ChatColors = { -- The colour a player's chat will appear depending on their rank. '['Owner'] = 'Yellow';' makes the owner's chat yellow.
  58. };
  59. Cmdbar = 1; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar.
  60. Cmdbar2 = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar2.
  61. ViewBanland = 3; -- The minimum rank required to view the banland.
  62. OnlyShowUsableCommands = false; -- Only display commands equal to or below the user's rank on the Commands page.
  63. RankRequiredToViewPage = { -- || The pages on the main menu ||
  64. ['Admin'] = 0;
  65. };
  66. RankRequiredToViewRank = { -- || The rank categories on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin ||
  67. ['HeadAdmin'] = 0;
  68. ['Mod'] = 0;
  69. };
  70. RankRequiredToViewRankType = { -- || The collection of loader-rank-rewarders on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin ||
  71. ['SpecificUsers'] = 5;
  72. ['Assets'] = 0;
  73. ['Friends'] = 0;
  74. ['VipServerOwner'] = 0;
  75. WelcomeRankNotice = true; -- The 'You're a [rankName]' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable.
  76. WelcomeDonorNotice = true; -- The 'You're a Donor' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable.
  77. WarnIncorrectPrefix = true; -- Warn the user if using the wrong prefix | 'Invalid prefix! Try using [correctPrefix][commandName] instead!'
  78. DisableAllNotices = false; -- Set to true to disable all HD Admin notices.
  79. ScaleLimit = 4; -- The maximum size players with a rank lower than 'IgnoreScaleLimit' can scale theirself. For example, players will be limited to ;size me 4 (if limit is 4) - any number above is blocked.
  80. IgnoreScaleLimit = 3; -- Any ranks equal or above this value will ignore 'ScaleLimit'
  81. VIPServerCommandBlacklist = {'permRank', 'permBan', 'globalAnnouncement'}; -- Commands players are probihited from using in VIP Servers.
  82. GearBlacklist = {67798397}; -- The IDs of gear items to block when using the ;gear command.
  83. IgnoreGearBlacklist = 4; -- The minimum rank required to ignore the gear blacklist.
  84. PlayerDataStoreVersion = 'V1.0'; -- Data about the player (i.e. permRanks, custom settings, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all PlayerData.
  85. SystemDataStoreVersion = 'V1.0'; -- Data about the game (i.e. the banland, universal message system, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all SystemData.
  86. CoreNotices = { -- Modify core notices. You can find a table of all CoreNotices under [MainModule > Client > SharedModules > CoreNotices]
  87. };
  88. --------------| MODIFY COMMANDS |--------------
  89. --['jump'] = 'VIP';
  90. SetCommandRankByTag = {
  91. };
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