Roblox Aimbot Script 2019 Download

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Jan 15th, 2019

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Aimbot For Roblox Download

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  1. -- Hold E when you shoot to automatically aimbot and the ESP is still a work in progress --
  2. local Torsoshot_Key = Enum.KeyCode.K
  3. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  4. local Gui ='ScreenGui',game.CoreGui)
  5. local version = '1.0.1'
  6. HDown = false
  7. mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  8. Players = game:service('Players')
  9. function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
  10. if HDown false and TDown false then
  11. print('[AIMBOT] Calculating closest player')
  12. local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
  13. local lowestplayer = nil
  14. if p[i]~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor and p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health >0 and p[i]'White') then
  15. local dist = p[i]:DistanceFromCharacter(,targetpoint.Y,targetpoint.Z))
  16. lowestdist = dist
  17. end
  18. end
  19. print('[AIMBOT] Targeting '.lowestplayer.Name)
  20. wait()
  21. local TPos = lowestplayer.Character.Head.Position
  22. cam.CFrame =,cam.CFrame.Y,cam.CFrame.Z),,TPos.Y,TPos.Z))
  23. end
  24. elseif inputObject.KeyCode Torsoshot_Key then
  25. TDown = true
  26. local targetpoint = mouse.Hit
  27. local lowestdist = 99999999999
  28. for i=1,#p do
  29. if p[i]~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor and p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health >0 and p[i]'White') then
  30. local dist = p[i]:DistanceFromCharacter(,targetpoint.Y,targetpoint.Z))
  31. lowestdist = dist
  32. end
  33. end
  34. print('[AIMBOT] Targeting '.lowestplayer.Name)
  35. wait()
  36. local TPos = lowestplayer.Character.Torso.Position
  37. cam.CFrame =,cam.CFrame.Y,cam.CFrame.Z),,TPos.Y,TPos.Z))
  38. end
  39. end
  40. function onKeyRelease(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
  41. HDown = false
  42. elseif inputObject.KeyCode Torsoshot_Key then
  43. end
  44. if player ~= Players.LocalPlayer and player.Character then
  45. local torso = player.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso')
  46. local base ='BillboardGui', workspace.CurrentCamera)
  47. base.AlwaysOnTop = true
  48. base.Size =,0,4.7,0)
  49. base.Adornee = torso
  50. esP.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  51. esP.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
  52. esP.Size =,0,1,0)
  53. end
  54. for x,player in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  55. if player.TeamColor ~= plr.TeamColor then
  56. if char then
  57. if torso then
  58. local playerName = player.Name
  59. if currentcam:FindFirstChild(playerName) nil then
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  63. end
  64. local function createframe(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex)
  65. newframe.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
  66. newframe.BorderColor3 = borderc3
  67. newframe.Name = name
  68. newframe.Position = pos
  69. newframe.Size = size
  70. newframe.ZIndex = zindex
  71. end
  72. local function createlabel(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
  73. newlabel.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
  74. newlabel.BorderColor3 = borderc3
  75. newlabel.Name = name
  76. newlabel.Position = pos
  77. newlabel.Size = size
  78. newlabel.ZIndex = zindex
  79. newlabel.FontSize = fontsize
  80. newlabel.TextColor3 = textc3
  81. newlabel.TextStrokeColor3 = textstrokec3
  82. newlabel.TextStrokeTransparency = textstroketrans
  83. newlabel.TextWrapped = textwrapped
  84. newlabel.TextYAlignment = yalign
  85. end
  86. local function createbutton(autocolor, bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
  87. newbutton.AutoButtonColor = autocolor
  88. newbutton.BackgroundTransparency = bkgtrans
  89. newbutton.BorderSizePixel = bordersize
  90. newbutton.Parent = parent
  91. newbutton.Rotation = rot
  92. newbutton.Visible = visible
  93. newbutton.Font = font
  94. newbutton.Text = text
  95. newbutton.TextScaled = textscaled
  96. newbutton.TextStrokeTransparency = textstroketrans
  97. newbutton.TextWrapped = textwrapped
  98. newbutton.TextYAlignment = yalign
  99. end
  100. local function createtextbox(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, clrtext, multiline, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
  101. newbox.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
  102. newbox.BorderColor3 = borderc3
  103. newbox.ClearTextOnFocus = clrtext
  104. newbox.Name = name
  105. newbox.Position = pos
  106. newbox.Size = size
  107. newbox.ZIndex = zindex
  108. newbox.FontSize = fontsize
  109. newbox.TextColor3 = textc3
  110. newbox.TextStrokeColor3 = textstrokec3
  111. newbox.TextTransparency = texttrans
  112. newbox.TextXAlignment = xalign
  113. return newbox
  114. local function createimagelabel(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, image, imagetrans)
  115. newimage.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
  116. newimage.BorderColor3 = borderc3
  117. newimage.Name = name
  118. newimage.Position = pos
  119. newimage.Size = size
  120. newimage.ZIndex = zindex
  121. newimage.ImageTransparency = imagetrans
  122. end
  123. -------------------------------INITIALIZE INTRO GUI-------------------------------------
  124. local IntroFrame = createframe(,245/255,245/255),0,,42/255,53/255),0,'IntroFrame',Gui,,-330,0,0),0,,300,1,0),true,1)
  125. --[[bar]] createframe(,245/255,245/255),0,,0,0),0,'bar',IntroFrame,,0,0,0),0,,30,0,90),true,1)
  126. --[[slant]] createimagelabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Slant',IntroFrame,,0,0,90),90,,30,0,30),true,1,474172996,0)
  127. --[[creator]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Creator',IntroFrame,,80,1,-40),0,,140,0,30),true,1,Enum.Font.Code,Enum.FontSize.Size28,'Symplicity',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
  128. --[[creatorlabel]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'CreatorLabel',IntroFrame,,80,1,-70),0,,140,0,30),true,1,Enum.Font.Code,Enum.FontSize.Size18,'Made by:',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
  129. --[[desc]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Desc',IntroFrame,,0,0,120),0,,0,0,90),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansLight,Enum.FontSize.Size14,'Feel free to share, just give me creds :) The ESP was not originally created by me, I don't know who created it',,0,0), true,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
  130. --[[subtitle]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'SubTitle',IntroFrame,,-150,0,70),0,,300,0,40),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,Enum.FontSize.Size32,'Aimbot/ESP',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
  131. --[[title]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Title',IntroFrame,,-105,0,20),0,,210,0,60),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,Enum.FontSize.Size60,'FPS',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
  132. IntroFrame:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.5,true)
  133. IntroFrame:TweenPosition(,-330,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.In,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.5,true)
  134. Gui:Destroy()
  135. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress)
  136. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputEnded:connect(onKeyRelease)
  137. while wait(1) do
  138. end


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